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The Paraná Institute of Molecular Biology (IBMP) has partnered with LGC, Biosearch Technologies to develop a new molecular test for ZDC (zika, dengue and chikungunya).
The innovative kit, which has recently been registered with the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), can screen for differentiation in the same reaction on the type of dengue (1, 2, 3 or 4).
Mark Dearden, VP of Strategy and Marketing at LGC, Biosearch Technologies, said, “We are delighted that IBMP partnered with LGC Biosearch Technologies for the supply of reliable, high quality custom GMP oligonucleotides and molecular products in Brazil. LGC’s mission is ‘Science for a safer world’ so, clearly, innovative molecular solutions such as this provide a real breakthrough in diagnostic capacity for diseases such as dengue, zika and chikungunya. In addition, several other molecular tests – for malaria, trachoma, yellow fever and leprosy – are also in development and we look forward to combining our expertise to bring further innovation to the diagnostic market.”
Pedro Barbosa, CEO, IBMP, said, “In the constant pursuit of quality and products excellence, IBMP partnered with LGC Biosearch to provide reliable and cost-effective molecular products to the population. This kit is surely the first of many new solutions that we will continue to deliver to society. We exist to deliver healthcare solutions and contribute to increasing access to quality health services and products. Whether in production and development, we have improved our contribution to SUS and the health of the country. IBMP developed and marketed the only registered the molecular discriminatory Zika, Denv1, Denv2, Denv3, Denv4 and Chikungunya test. The product is be the best alternative for both treatment management and surveillance, due to the similar clinical manifestations on patients and the notification need of each arbovírus, respectively.”
IBMP invests its scientific capacity in the development of molecular diagnostic kits and has been recognized for its work to meet healthcare demands and to nationalize inputs used in the country, making products available in the Brazilian and international markets.